Fall Elk
a breed of deer that grows leaves upon its antlers. They are native to the Isildian Forest and surrounding Arborel plains, and are only found within its borders.
forest spirits who protect their homeland, and may offer guidance to those who have lost their way.
Moss Imp
a small trickster of a creature that enjoys luring travelers deeper into the woods by leaving trails of berries and other fine edibles.
Moonglow Pixie
a small creature no larger than the average thumbnail, they sparkle and glow in the fading light.
Oak Water
a thick, slimy substance that smells and looks like syrup but, is made to keep prey bound in place as it gradually consumes its victim’s life force.
rare creatures sighted by only the purest of heart. Said to roam the meadow in twilight.
Vine Boar
a large pig that happily feeds on the vines and small insects of the forest floor.
Gilded Swan
a swan with feathers of Gold that floats upon Olda’s Pond.
Crescent Eagle
a large bird species that glides easily through the tree tops and open plains looking for unsuspecting prey.
a strange monster born of plants and ancient magic that resembles a lion save for the layers of fauna that make up its body.
The Scout
lone travelers once believed to be Rangers, driven mad by their years spent lost in the forest. They roam the open plains and woodlands. They are not to be trifled with.
The Sorrow
a small patch of murky, muddy water hidden beneath a thin cover of leaves and moss that swallows up all that enter it, never to be seen again.
Forest Drake
a large lizard species related to Dragons that can run incredibly fast and camouflage itself in the foliage.
elementals bound to the flowers of the Forest and Plains with a wicked vengeance against all who may pluck, stomp, or pick at their kin.
half-man, half-wolf, and out for blood.
men turned into strange abominations with horns or antlers upon their head and drenched in shadow and vine. Are they from the logging camps?
magical creatures that resemble deer but have human-like faces and can stand on their hind legs. Some may offer guidance and advice, while others are more treacherous.
the head of a lion, body of a goat, and tail of a serpent that hunts the largest prey in the Isildian forest, including Drakes and Sheilas. They have also been seen to pick Crescent Eagles from the air in the open fields should they try their luck.
song maidens unseen but not unheard in the twilight of the forest.
Rock Wanderer
large spiders able to take the form of rocks, waiting to attack.