41 Online
Game Stats
5,626,128 Battles
69,797,597 Items
41 Online
Game Stats
5,626,128 Battles
69,797,597 Items

Trade Skills

All Trade Skills have a Timer-based system, which takes a set amount of time to perform the different tasks. The timer duration varies from area to area. Explore to find the good areas!

Material Collection Skills

These skills you need to first "learn" the skill from a Trades Area in Drakor. Then you can gather materials without the need of any patterns


Materials Received: Ore, Gems, Stones
Trade Skill Type: Afk (Easy)
You find a mining node, and can mine there without player intervention until the node is depleted.


Materials Received: Fruit, Eggs, Plants, Herbs & Spices
Trade Skill Type: Afk (Easy)
You find a gathering area, and can gather there without player intervention until the area is depleted.


Materials Received: Fish, Shellfish & Water Plants
Trade Skill Type: Afk (Easy)
You find a fishing area, and can fish there without player intervention until the area is depleted.


Materials Received: Different Types of Wood
Trade Skill Type: Afk (Easy)
You find a Tree-Cutting area, and can work there without player intervention until the area is depleted.


Materials Received: Essences, Dusts & Powders
Trade Skill Type: Non-Afk (Hard)
Disenchanting works from destroying Battle Abilities & Equipment Augment Items to get your materials. The higher quality Item you destroy the more materials & exp you receive.
(You may only disenchant items equal or lesser than the current skill level)

Ancient Research

Materials Received: Runes, Relics, Writings, Etchings & Books
Trade Skill Type: Afk (Medium)
Ancient Research, you spend time studying and investigating different old runes and special areas around the world to better your knowledge of mystical and ancient rituals and more. This skill takes more time and has a much higher "fail" rate during your collecting.

Treasure Hunting

Materials Received: Treasure Chests
Trade Skill Type: Afk (Medium)
When depleted Treasure nodes will re-spawn in random locations after a random # of hours. You collect many different types of chests when hunting for treasure. It has a fail rate similar to Ancient Research. But when opening chests, you can receive tokens, medals, items, materials, gold and more!

Pattern-Based Trades

First you need to "learn" these skills from a Trades Area in Drakor. Then you purchase patterns for in game gold and train those patterns in a Trades Area. These Trades can craft Items & Abilities used within the game.


Uses Materials from: Mining
Trade Skill Type: Semi-Afk (Medium)
Smithing you can build Equipment and Weapons for your character or other players in the game.


Uses Materials from: Mining
Trade Skill Type: Semi-Afk (Medium)
Jewelcrafting you cut Gems into Permanent Equipment Augments, that can augment your gear. You can also create powerful rings to help you work your trades.
(Future Release: It will also be able to create Necklaces).


Uses Materials from: Disenchanting, Mining
Trade Skill Type: Semi-Afk (Medium)
Enchanting creates Permanent Equipment Enchants, Enchants are similar to Augments but the difference is each Enchant is for a specific equipment slot.


Uses Materials from: Gathering, Fishing
Trade Skill Type: Semi-Afk (Medium)
Prepare foods and create food that give various temporary buffs to players who eat it.


Uses Materials from: Logging, Mining, Smithing
Trade Skill Type: Semi-Afk (Hard)
Construction lets you mill wood into lumber, while also providing you the skills to build houses, guild halls, and more. It's patterns tend to require ample supplies to build things. Which also makes it harder to level.


Uses Materials from: Gathering, Fishing, Disenchanting, Mining
Trade Skill Type: Semi-Afk (Hard)
Prepare poisons and concoctions to create battle abilities (Damage, Curses, Heals, Buffs and so on..) It takes more time to level this trade as it uses various materials from multiple trades.


Uses Materials from: Ancient Research, Gathering, Fishing, (Future Enhancement: Mining will also be used)
Trade Skill Type: Semi-Afk (Hard)
The art of writing magical scrolls from ancient artifacts and research. It takes more time to level this trade as it uses various materials from multiple trades.


Uses Materials from: Various Trades
Trade Skill Type: Semi-Afk (Hard)
Crafters are heavily skilled in creating Tools and Items that are used within other Tool Patterns in other trades. It's hard to level this trade as it uses various items from almost all other trades.