42 Online
Game Stats
5,626,125 Battles
69,797,585 Items
42 Online
Game Stats
5,626,125 Battles
69,797,585 Items

Hello new adventurers!

Welcome to Drakor (a text-based browser RPG (PBBG, MPOG))

Wondering what to do, where to go, who to be, or how to play? Continue reading below, or check out the Game Features, for a general overview of what Drakor has to offer. There are various ways to play for differing types of gaming style preferences. For more detailed information head to the Drakor Information Manual homepage.

Who Can I Be?

In Drakor, you get to choose who you want to be. You can be a fierce warrior, a dominant healer, a user of potent magic, or a master of trades. You are not limited to a single identity, but are free to focus on one or more of these personas.

Character Creation

Pick your character's name. Choose his or her race and class. Click the links for more info on the various races and classes. You can also pick your character's hair and skin colors. Upon the successful creation of your character you will receive a free, 15-item, starter loot bag. Your bag is guaranteed to contain at least 1 weapon, 2 equipment items, and 3 battle abilities.


Race specific attributes are still in development at this time. See the Drakor Information Manual for back story on the various races in the game.


Class specific bonuses/skills/abilities are still in development at this time. See the Drakor Information Manual for descriptions on the various classes and their areas of specialization.

Equipment / Items / Inventory

The inventory tab will take you to a window where you can view, and manipulate, your battle strategy, equipment setup, and general inventory sections.

As a new adventurer, your starter loot bag will contain a randomly generated mixture of items. There are different types of items in Drakor, some that can only be used in combat scenarios, and some that can only be accessed outside of combat. Check the Drakor Information Manual for more specific details on the various items types you may encounter in the game.

Prepare your character by equipping your gear, augmenting and enchanting items as desired, and setting up your battle strategy. Click on items and abilities to equip them. Weapons and armor will automatically equip into the slots they are designed for. Enhance your equipment with any Augments and/or Enchants you receive. These will require an extra step of choosing which item they are to be used on (Note: Enchants are specific to an equipment slot). Battle abilities also need to be equipped to form your battle strategy. These will be used during combat scenarios. The ordering of your abilities has no bearing on their use; organize them however you like. Food buffs can be consumed ('equipped') as desired. They can offer you bonuses to gold drops, or decrease travel times. Be sure to click on and read the descriptions of your items, abilities, and buffs, so you know what you have to work with.

All new players start with unlimited inventory slots. You have an inventory for items, and one for trade materials. Trade materials will not show up in your general inventory section; Click Trade Skills, to see your trade skill materials inventory.

Extra storage can also come in the form of space in the World Bank, or in a guild bank. For more information on the guild bank or World Bank options see the Guilds and/or Questing subsections under the What Can I Do section further below.


Your character can learn one or more of the 15 trade skills currently available in this game. For more details see the Trade Skills subsection under the What Can I Do Section heading further below.

Character Details

Your character's details can be viewed on the left side of the Shared Inventory window. Many of these details outline your character's performance in combat. There are 6 specific combat oriented character stats: HP, Def, Regen, Combat, Magic, and Heal. These stats start at a base value and are built upon by the stats associated with items you equip. Hit points (HP) determine how many points of damage you can sustain in combat before death. Defense (Def) affects the amount of damage you sustain from enemy attacks. Regeneration (Regen) indicates how many hit points you will naturally regenerate each attack round while in combat. Combat and Magic stats are determinant in the base damage you do to an enemy each round. (in future it might effect skills, and magic/combat battle abilities) Heal, It affects the amount of hit points you are healed by healing abilities during combat scenarios.

Other details include your character name, level, guild affiliation (if applicable), and your progression towards your next level (EXP), gold and tokens (see Premium Features subsection under How Do I Play section heading further below for more details on tokens).

Where Can I Go?

Drakor is a big world, ready to be explored. Villages, cities, forests, swamps, mountain ranges, caves and dungeons are just some of the areas you will come across during your adventures. As a new player you start in the city of Danof. There is an item shop, a trades area, World Bank, and local tavern. Explore the town; you never know who you might run into or what you might find. When you feel ready, pass through the gates and see where your travels take you.

Drakor Map/World Travel

A small portion of the map of Drakor is presented to you while out in the world. It shows where you are (red dot), other players around you (blue dots), and nearby areas you can travel to (yellowy-brown).

Travel from one area to another in the world of Drakor is achieved through movement in one of the four major compass directions (N-S-E-W). Click the direction in which you wish to travel and the travel timer will begin to countdown.

Common Areas

Common areas include towns and villages where one might find weapons/items shops, trades areas, bank and guild hall access. Common areas also include hunting and gathering areas; places to fight monsters of various levels and difficulties, and to find nodes for collection skills such as fishing and mining.

Dungeons / Locked Areas

Dungeon areas are denoted by purple dots on the Drakor World Map. These areas are locked and require a special key to gain entrance. Dungeons are home to rare and difficult boss monsters that drop higher quality loot. These dungeons are set on a 24 hour timer; once you have started a dungeon run you have 24 hours to complete it, before it gets reset.
You can view your special access keys, and dungeon progression/status in the Quest Log section.

What Can I Do?

Drakor offers players a few ways to play the game. Some areas of the game require more of an active presence by the players than others. Combat requires constant player input to determine your character's actions. Trade skills vary in their player input requirements. Gathering skills are more automated AFK-styles of action within the game, while combining skills may require a bit more player presence.

Combat / General Leveling

Players can venture out into the world of Drakor to hunt monsters and earn rewards including experience points, gold, and item drops. Check the available actions section of the area you are in for the option to "Hunt Creatures". Where available, this action will also be accompanied by level and difficulty descriptors which players can use to gauge the appropriateness of a hunting area for their character.

When you chose to hunt for creatures you will be presented with a general overview of the creature encountered, including name, level and difficulty level. Once you click the Start Battle button you will enter into the combat screen.

Combat proceeds with the player selecting actions from their battle strategies. Battle abilities can be used (U) or passed on (P). Only one battle ability can used per combat round, and once used, or passed on, cannot be used again during the current battle.
If all battle abilities have been used, or passed on, within a single combat scenario, the remaining combat rounds automate with general attack rounds until either you, or the creature, are victorious. Battle abilities used during combat will suffer a -1 to their durability. Abilities passed on suffer no loss of durability.

Occasionally an area may be depleted of creatures and some time will be required before hunting, in that area, can resume again. Check the Drakor Information Manual for more detailed information on the workings of Hunting (and Trade Skill) nodes.


Aside from combat, another way to gain experience toward your character level is through the completion of quests. Quests can be found throughout the world of Drakor. While exploring, watch for NPCs who are interested in talking with you; keep your eyes peeled for loose boards, sign posts, or other potentially noteworthy sights which might lead you on a quest.

Quests can come in various forms and as such may require you to carry out various tasks. Some quests may ask you to kill X number of creatures, or collect X amount of some item, or items. Some quests may only ask one task of you, others may be a succession of various, or escalating, tasks that need to be completed.

Open your Quest Log to view what quests are available to you. Quests come with recommended levels. Being on or around this level can make these quests easier, or possible, to complete successfully. Click on a quest to see where you are in the progression of that quest, what steps you have completed and what you have to complete to get to the next step. Quests highlighted in red have been completed to their current maximum step.

Aside from experience points, quests can also reward you with money, loot, or key accesses to new, previously locked, areas in the world.

Battle Arena / PvP

The Battle Arena offers players another way to gain experience points, and loot drops, through combat scenarios. In comparison to general combat in the world of Drakor, Arena battles cost 250 gold to commence and drop no gold, however they are not subject to hunting node limitations (depletion; having to travel to find the proper level range/difficulty). Arena battles also have the added benefit of being interruptible. Arena battles can be left unfinished, and returned to at a later time.

Arena battles allow you to choose the difficulty level of your opponent (easy, medium, hard, or elite). The difficulty level chosen determines the quality of the loot drops received when you are successful in combat.

Player versus player (PvP) battles (once implemented) will allow you to pit your character against another player character in the battle arena setting. These battles will take the form of either Offline, or Ranked battles.

Trade Skills

In Drakor you are not only limited to combat and questing. You can spend your time working some or all of the different trade skills available. There are two main forms of trades, collection trades, and pattern trades. Pattern trades use materials collected from collection trades to make items. Pattern trades can allow you to create weapons, armor, augments, enchants, constructed items such as containers for storage, battle abilities such as curses and heals, runes and scrolls for repairing battle abilities or even teleportation. Use trade skills to create items for personal use, to sell on the Player World Market, or to use as turn ins to complete quests.

To work a trade skill, you must be in a designated Trades area, typically found in towns and cities. Purchase access to any trade you like, buy patterns, go out in the world to find nodes for collecting materials, return to a designated trades area and use pattern trades to combine your collected materials. Different trade skills can overlap in their material uses. For example, the Mining collection trade allows you to collect ores from mining nodes. Copper ore collected can then be manipulated with patterns in the Smithing trade to form copper bars, which can then be used to create copper nails. Light birch logs collected using the Logging trade can be formed into birch lumber with the Construction trade. The birch lumber can then be used, with the copper nails from smithing, in a Construction pattern to make containers for storage.

Trade skills have their own levels. As you collect and combine materials you will gain experience points. Level gains in trade skill abilities gives you access to collecting higher level materials, making higher level items, and to new higher level patterns. Nodes for gathering trade materials come with level ranges. You can collect materials from these nodes if your collection trade level is within that range. Once you exceed the level range, you can still collect from that node, just without the experience gain. You will need to find a higher level node to gain experience while collecting for that trade. Alternatively, if your collection trade level is not yet high enough for a node's level range, you will not be able to collect at that node until you have leveled your collection trade high enough to meet the level requirements. The same works for pattern trades. A pattern to combine materials will offer experience for a certain level range, once you exceed that range, you can still create the items, but not receive experience points for them. You will have to purchase higher level patterns, to create higher level items, to gain more experience points in that trade.

For more information on your trade inventory, see the Equipment/Items/Shared Inventory subsection under the Who Can I Be section heading above. For more detailed information on the various individual trade skills see the Trade Skills section of the Drakor Information Manual.

Markets (Player/NPC)

Players have the option to buy and sell items in one of three ways. The type of item being sold can affect where or when you may want, or be able, to sell it. There are two types of markets, NPC vendors, and the Player World Market. To access these markets, you must be in a designated market area, typically found in most towns and cities in Drakor. Some items can be sold through a third option, which is anywhere and at any time.

NPC markets are designed for quick and immediate sale of trade materials. When you enter the NPC market you will select which trade material you want to sell, and how many of them you will sell. The NPC vendor will tell you what price they will purchase the item for on a per-unit basis, and provide you with a total amount for the sale. This is the most effective way to sell common unwanted trade materials that may not fetch higher sale prices in the Player World Market. Note that equipment and battle abilities cannot be sold in this manner.

Unwanted equipment and battle abilities are sold anywhere, at any time, directly from your inventory window. Click on the item or ability you wish to sell. At the bottom of the list of available actions for that item, is the option to sell the item for the sale value listed in the item description. Note that the sale value of battle abilities decreases as their durability goes down.

The Player World Market allows you to list items for sale which other players can buy directly from you, or to buy listed items from other players. When you enter this market you will, by default, be in the buyer's position. You can select which type of item you want to buy, either Equipment/Abilities or Trade materials. From this selection you will be presented with a drop down list of subsections to categorize your items search (specific trade skill listings e.g. mining, or equipment slots e.g. Legs). After you click the Display button you will be presented with a list of items found on the market that match your search criteria. These items will be listed with prices and names of the characters selling them. Some items can be stacked in the market, and as such can be purchased in desired quantities. A drop down box allows you to choose how many of an item you want to purchase from a player, up to the maximum number they have available for purchase.

When you purchase an item from the market, it will automatically appear in your inventory. If you have no free inventory spaces available for the item you are attempting to purchase, you will not be able to do so until you make the required space available. See the Equipment/Items/Shared Inventory section above for more details on inventory space.

To sell an item through the Player World Market, click the Sell Items on Market button. The Player World Market is an excellent place to sell valuable equipment and abilities, player crafted items, or high demand trade materials. Success with the Player World Market depends on the needs, wants, and desires, of other players in the game. Some items may sell very quickly, while others may take more time, or not sell at all. Learning about the needs of players in the game and the market trends will come with time and experience.

As with searching for items to buy, when selling something on the market you will be presented with item categorization options to list your items under. When you select your item categorization you will be presented with a list of your inventory items that fit that category. You will indicate how many of each item you want to sell, set the per-item cost, and click the Sell on Market links for those items. When one of your items is purchased by another player, an in-game message will appear in your inbox informing you of the details surrounding the sale. Note that not all items are available for selling through the Player World Market. Special items, listed as Bound to Account, are only able to be sold through your Inventory window for the sale price listed in the item details. Items which are listed as Player Tradable in their descriptions are able to be sold through the Player World Market.

Items sold through the world market are subject to some fees. When you list an item to sell on the market, a 5% fee will charged up front. You will not be able to sell your item at the price you set if you cannot immediately cover the 5% cost. Also, once an item is listed it cannot simply be removed from the market. You have the option to buy-back your own listings at a 50% loss of the listing price. You can avoid this buy-back fee by direct selling the item to an NPC vendor. This option can be accessed through the market, while browsing the Your Current Listings section.

Note that in all instances, you can only sell items that are immediately available in your inventory. Items stored in the World Bank or guild bank spaces must be withdrawn and placed in your inventory before they can be sold.

Armory / Player Standings

The armory is a leaderboard of player standings within the game. It shows the leaders in various stats, such as level, Max HP, or Combat stat. It also shows the leaders in the various trade skills, and who has the highest battle strategy and equipment ratings. When you reach a new level with your character through combat or questing, or within a particular trade skill, you will be offered the option to announce your level up in the common chat channel. This announcement is accompanied by your current standing in the leaderboards for that particular area.


Guilds can serve a dual purpose in the game. They are one part social circle, one part competitive team. They provide players with an option of joining a smaller social community within the larger Drakor family. This can offer a player the opportunity to make friends within the game, find people with similar gaming interests, and provide you with another resource for help within the game.
Guilds can also be competitive. Guild rankings can be found in the Armory as guilds gain experience with the actions of its members. Guilds come in all shapes and sizes. You can find more information about guilds in the Guild Recruitment chat channel and forum section.

How Do I Play?

There is no right or wrong way to play the game. How you play is up to you. Understanding what your options are can be very helpful for new adventurers. For more detailed information on the various aspects of the game, check out the resources listed below.

Drakor Information Manual

This manual covers all the major topics/areas within the game of Drakor, from frequently asked questions, to race and class info, to how the combat system works, detailed trade skill information, and much more. Be sure to start here when looking for information about something within the game.

Forums / Chat / Messaging

Drakor offers a forum for discussion on the various aspects of the game. Class and Race discussions, Trade Skill information, and help sections for reporting of issues or sharing of ideas for future updates and game development.

The in-game real-time chat feature allows you to communicate with other players online, through various channel options. Channels include world chat, trade chat, game support, or guild chat. The drop down box at the bottom of the window allows you to select the channel you wish to chat in, or use direct channel identifiers in your chat text (e.g. type /g before your message to send it to guild chat). Players can also directly whisper to another player by clicking their name in the chat window and selecting whisper (or typing /w [player_name] before your message).

Drakor also has a messaging system for player communication. The messaging system at the top of the screen allows you to send email-like messages to any player in the game, or to the Drakor Support team. This messaging system will also notify you of player market activities (i.e. it will inform you about the sale of items you have placed in the market)

Drakor Support Team

The Drakor Support Team is here to help you! We want your gaming experience to be the best it can be. If you cannot find information you are looking for, have unanswered questions, issues with the game, or general concerns, you can ask for help in the in-game Support/Help channel (/s) or contact the Drakor Support team directly through the messaging system.

Patches/Updates / Release History

From time to time the game will be patched to include updates to content, changes to game functionality, and/or to fix bugs or other issues. These patches can be long to prepare, but are quick to implement, and as such do not involve requiring periods of downtime for the game. A link to the latest patch notes will be available in the message of the day found in the in-game chat area, and a link to the full release history can be found at the top of the screen.

Premium Features / Supporting the game

The Support Drakor tab near the top of the screen will take you to the Drakor Store where you can purchase tokens to help support the continued development and running of the game. Tokens purchased with the use of a PayPal account offer you the ability to access premium features within the game. Unlocking additional character slots, expanding your bank, or guild storage are just some of the features available currently, with more features in development.